Sunday, April 5, 2009

Taylor's First Three Connections

#1 Connection Throughout the book The Diary of A Young Girl, Anne Frank is moved into a "secret annex". With living space at a minimum, fights erupt from the people living within the walls of the "secret annex". I understand why the Frank family fought, as my family has often fought when we are in hotels as we discuss who moved whose clothes. But on the other hand, sometimes I feel that when a person is in hard times, they grow closer to people, as shown in the book with Anne and her father. Anne and her mother never really got along together, and with the many subjects to fight about while in hiding, things turned for the worse for both of them. With these "rivalries", living together must have been terrible. Something I believe is hard for us to understand because if we get in a fight in the morning we have the whole day (at work or at home) to calm down. The Franks did not have this luxury, as we often take for granted.

#2 Connection In the book Running out of Time and The Diary of a Young Girl there is one major similarity. During the Holocaust many parts of the world turn their backs on the actions Germany took against Jewish people. Allowing many to suffer and die throughout WWII. In Running out of Time a community of people living in the 1840's, suffer a village wide sickness of diphtheria. One of the teenagers in the village find out from her mother that it is actually 1996, and the village that they were living in was actually a tourist attraction. The owner of the village wanted to create a super gene pool of people that could withstand all diseases. To accomplish this he slowly gave citizens of the village diseases which allowed the weak citizens to die, letting the strong ones live. Because it was a tourist attraction many people saw this happening, but did nothing about it.

#3 Connection In the book The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne is forced to go into hiding by the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler during WWII, who lead Germany out of the rumbles of humiliation that Germany was in after WWI. Another similar figure in the 20th century is Fidel Castro, who was a revolutionist in Cuba that set up communism in the country. Both of them overthrew the government, promising citizens of new and better things for their citizens. Castro with communism and Hitler with the gaining back off German land that was taken away from them. Throughout their terms of government they formed strong ties with other countries, allowing them to get supplies and fight on the same side of the battlefield. Hitler sent Jewish people into hiding and to death camps, on the other hand Castro's plan of communism sent many people looking to find a new way off life in America. Also many assassination plots where set up to kill them, none were successful. These two people in history changed many things in the world due to their actions throughout their tenure in office. Many people will remember these actions through books, stories, and movies.


  1. #3- Your third connection was true. Castro was very similar to Hitler although Castro didn't start a genocide like HItler had during the holocaust.

    #2-I'm not understanding much on your second connection. Were you referring the owner of the village's actions and how he was trying to create a super gene like how hitler was? That's how I am comprehending it.

  2. #2 and Rohil - I agree with Rohil and also how people observed the killings and did not do much to try to stop them.

  3. connection 2--
    I -think*- i see were your coming from. Another fcet of this connection could be that both leaders tryed to create a super- human race. (Hitler- Aryan & village leader/ scientist- genetically dominate race.)
