Sunday, April 5, 2009

Luke’s Connection - 1
I'm sure some, if not all, of us, while reading The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank [duh], have engendered a list of desired goodies that we would bring along with us if we were put into her situation. Anne's first items that she stuffs into her bag are her diary, curlers, hankercheifs, schoolbooks, a comb, and some old letters. Living in the 21st century, we would all pack our cell phones, computers, and clothes. Girls would pack their outifts and guys would probably pack our Xbox's and PS3's and whatnot. Times have changed, and that is conveyed through this difference.

Luke’s Connection - 2
Tying in with Caroline’s connection to China’s Cultural Revolution, the book Red Scarf Girl tells the true story of Ji-Li Jiang, a girl about Anne’s age, living in her adolescence during a major historical segregation event. Ji-Li and Anne are very similar: they both are about the same age, they are being accused in some way, and they both hear about and see terrible things done to innocent people. Their differences also speak out too. Unlike Anne, Ji-Li is not living in complete hiding; she has partial freedom to do whatever she wants. Anne, on the other hand, does not have total freedom; for example, she has to maintain a safe and quiet environment. These two girls have been through two of the most historical uprisings of the 1900s.


  1. I'd bring: my Bible, a photo album, a blank journal, a deck of cards, travel Scrabble and as many books as I could stuff in my suitcase. (Mrs. Johnson)

  2. Connection #1. Honestly, I would only bring my phone (that is if there was a current holocaust) with me for I guess entertainment. I'd rather be able to talk to my friends and see how they are doing and what life is like for them (if they aren't close by that is) rather than bring and XBOX or PS3. I'd mainly just bring as many clothes as I can so that I'd have extra or emergency items just in case.

  3. I would also bring my bible. Also i would bring a toothbrush etc. etc. But you gotta have fun, so my XBox 360, my phone, ipod and a laptop would be going too.

  4. Taylor's comment #7
    I think its weird how over the course of rougly 70 years, the different things that kids value in their life. One of the things Anne packs is her school books, something that I am sure many of us would not do. Know we have to have a laptop with internet access for many of us to live (or from going insane).

  5. Actually, i would neither bring a phone or a laptop for the reasons that i happen to be lacking both. And if you brought the laptop, there would be no internet connection anywhere. But i would bring my ipod, lots of books, and lots of clothes.

  6. Your first connection Luke has so far been a success, because you picked a great topic that everyone was interested in. Good job, plus I think the most significant item you could bring would be an advanced military 72-hour pack. I'm trying to upgrade my pack in CAP from a 24-hour pack for FTX's to a 72-hour pack for EXTREME, long FTX's. Some of the main differences are the food rationings and double over-night supplies. Of course you'd be stuck in hiding for a very long time, but that is why you could use the 72-hour pack only for emergencies. For example, the Nazis were inspecting all houses on your street. Well...It doesn't seem like you'll be out for a while...
    -Alex Pollack

  7. #1. I would probably want to bring my laptop and some yummy food. Im not sure if I would even need anything else. I can play games, read books online, and practically do anything I would normally do everyday while eating my yummy snacks.

    #2. I had actually made my connection based off of the book Red Scarf Girl. I thought of all the similarities between these two main characters, but later on I decided to just compare it to the Cultral Revolution in general.
