Thursday, April 23, 2009

Derrick 4

Connection In this book Anne keeps a diary(hence the tiltle.) This is very common for people durring wars. Many soldiers have written down notes, letters and other things to there loved ones. Similar to thier notes and Anne's notes they never know if they will ever get to the people they were written to or even read at all. Soldiers would also describe what they would see every day in diarys to get it out of there head. This is very similar to what Anne is doing.
I once read the aoutobiography of Chris Rock. Although your probably thinking they have nothing in common they actualy do. An autobiography is a story or book written about your own life. Autobiographys are very similar to diarys because it is a given person writting about there life. although they have some different aspects such as most people never wanting others to see there diary, they also share alot.

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