Monday, April 20, 2009

Ali's Connection #5

Connection 5: My final connection is from the final pages of Diary of a Young Girl. The last words she wrote were "if only there were no other people in the world". This quote is far from happy by itself; but take into consideration that some of those "other people" came and dragged her off to her death three days later, and it's downright chilling.The connection is not from the diary, though, but from the afterword. Out of all 7/8 who died, each of them died within a few months of the camps' liberations. Peter's death was a mere three days to early. The concept of coming so close is a common one, so this can be connected to so many things. A runner in first place who trips two feet before the finish line, a pianist who hits the wrong chord in the finale of the piece, or contestant on Jeapordy who forgets to answer in the form of a question.Those examples seem trivial in comparison to the life or death struggles of the Franks. But the main difference between these things and Anne's story is that those 7/8 people from the Annex never knew how close they were.


  1. This is a very good and well thought out connection. I like the examples of the pianist and the jeopardy

  2. Taylor's #5 Connection
    When I think about this "concept" I do not think just about the Frank's, but also of the many other people that died a hour or few minutes before the Allies walked through the gates of the camps. Along Ali's thoughts,my mind drifts to activities like jeopardy that you can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, before it comes crashing down on you

  3. Wow, that was really creative ALlie. Good Job!
    However, I have one question: If she and her family and friends had died as soon as they entered the camps, would it make their story any less tragic?
    It seems like when someone gets 2nd in a race by a hair everyone feel for him/her, however if he/she oses by a mile, no pity is shown.

  4. We tend to pity those who ALMOST make it more over those who weren't even close because they were SOO close to finishing something. If Anne and her family died as soon as they entered the camps, it would still be sad, but dying just before they were about to be let out makes it all the more tragic, knowing that if they had only survived a bit longer, they would have lived through it.

  5. Allie, that connection was really amazing (:
    I like how you compared the fate of the 7/8 to the pianist, the runner, and the jeopardy contestant!
    Anne and the rest of the Annex dwellers could have survived! They were just a few steps short of the finish line.
