Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shaunish 5

A photograph is an amazing thing. It takes a moment in time, and captures it, and perfectly preserves it. It's like a memory trapped on paper. It helps us to remember and understand who we were when the photo was taken. Likewise, Anne's diary was her camera. But instead of capturing her physical features, it was a picture of her thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Every time she wrote a diary entry, she aimed her mind's camera at herself, and recorded her inner chaos on paper. As her album grew, she was able to look back and observe how she had grown. She never had to Photoshop it because that would only be lying to herself. Now, decades later, we can flip through her diary and learn about her life. But we have to hold it in the right light, or else the photo is ruined.


  1. That is an amazing connection shaunish... and so true!

  2. I applaude your amazing writing skills. And the cool thing is, this is your vernacular [if you didn't know that was a vocabulary word from last week].

  3. your connections are so good its not even funny... but i do agree that makes alot of sence.

  4. Your connection is really good Shaunish....O_O;
    (by the way that little thing there is a face ... to avoid confusion)
    You're so right, her diary is like an album. And each of her diary entries were like a photograph of her mind. Her camera wasn't a camera to capture the outside view, it was a camera to capture the inside view - of Anne Frank. (:
