Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Graham's Connections & Comments

Reid #4 commentI dont think that it was so tragic that he burnt her diaries. So much happened to, and was experienced by, Valdek that when he married Mala (right?) he needed a fresh start. Anja's memory will never be forgotten, along with all the things that took place during the war. But i do think that he should have been able to tell his son more about her, being his mom and everything, he has a right to know about her.

Luke #1i would probably bring my ipod, cellphone, laptop, and a lot of books.the thing is, who would you be talking to on the phone? If someone found out, they could trace the call and you could get captured..your life is over with one text message.

Niki's third connectionOn your third connection..its a lot like school in a way. Everyday you have the same schedule and you have to repeat this schedule almost 200 times a year, for many years.At times it can be very boring and dull, and sometimes something can happen that sparks a temporary jolt in the mood.

FOURTH CONNECTIONAnne gets in all sorts of spats with the other inhabitants of the annex daily. Because this book is written first person, it is easy to see Anne's side in the argument. She shares her raw feelings with you on the situation and you feel like you were there. (Around page 138) When Anne takes one of Margot's books and causes a huge disruptment in the Annex, she says her family claims she left the room "in a huff" while she said her only sour mood was sadness. We all get in fights with our family and 9 times out of 10, when it is all over, you feel like you were in the right. Anne is infamous for being a great exaggerator and i could easily see how she could have blown this up and caused a big dilemma where there was little happening.

FIFTHAlthough her feelings for her family have experienced great degradation, Anne finds herself getting closer and closer with Margot as they both grow and get older. Anne is lucky she has a sister and although she probably didnt realize it, this definitely made her Annex experience a lot easier. At times Margot could give Anne great stress but i think overall, she was a positive aspect of her life. I dont have a sister, only two brothers, and if i had to go into hiding for years with no one else but family, i think that after a while, i would begin to feel greatful that i had siblings at all. I wouldnt have to be all alone and there would always be someone to relate to.


  1. Oh, I never really thought of that. But, they could also track your laptop.

  2. To 5th connection:
    I can imagine being locked up with my sister and she would probably get on my nerves often but she would be good to talk to when I get bored. And I bet your brothers can't be THAT bad company!
