Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kathy 5

in The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne expresses her sexuality in a waythat would seem utterly shocking. I, like any person , i would assume,could understand why Otto Frank wouldn't want that kind of stuffpublished. But of you think about how it is now-a-days, things likethat are expressed very lightly. People talk about sexual orientationlike they talk about the news. Sure, some guys take things a littletoo far and crack perverted jokes, but no one gives it a secondthought. If Anne could come to our time in America, I doubt she wouldbe confused anymore because people talk about it about 15 times in a24 hour day. Back then it just wasn't as acceptable as it is now, andstill some of our parents don't see eye-to-eye with the children onthe subject. Children are learning more and more things about theirbodies every day and some parents strongly appose it.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY agree about the difference in how much people talk openly about it. Especially the guys because they can often say some pretty nasty stuff and not care about how inappropriate it might be!
