Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shaunish: Hibernation analogy

In Diary of a Young Girl, Anne and her comrades find themselves holed up in the Annex with little outside contact. Basically, their lives are on hold. They just exist until the time comes when they may have all the freedoms they enjoyed before confinement. This is similar to many members of the animal kingdom that perform an amazing feat every winter. They simply shut down their body until their body deems it is right for them to venture out into the outside world. Most people call this hibernation. While the denizens of the Annex are not asleep, they have been "shut down" by the oppression of the Nazi regime. For both parties, the choice is clear; either go into this substandard state of existence, or die.

1 comment:

  1. You're right! The inhabitants of the Annex do compare to the members of the animal kingdom in that way!
