Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Matt's Connection #5

One way I can relate Anne's diary to the world today is one of's recent "plans". Now, to be clear, this connection is more so related to Hitler's anti-Semitism program than to Anne's current living situation. Anyway, on Monday, April 12, 2009, all books on homosexuality, including biographies by famous homosexual celebrities, have been labeled as "adult" and therefore the sales are dropping. One way this baffles me is the fact that this occurred only a few days after Ellen DeGeneres's recent promotion of COVERGIRL, a highly selling brand! Only to affect the younger population as well, children's books on homosexuality such as Heather Has Two Mommies have been removed as well! Adding on to the propaganda, one book that hasn't been removed is A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality! In conclusion, I can see some relation to Amazon's "Removal Act" and Hitler's removal of all Jews, Gypsies, and (most surprisingly) homosexuals!


  1. Sommy's Connection #5:
    This is absolutely astonished! That is farcical! Just because some chooses a certain way of life, that doesn't mean they should be discriminated against. They probably just want to be like any other author instead of being singled-out. Although that is just up to Amazon, I am sure people nationwide are upset. Most likely, Amazon has lost many faithful customers because of this absurd travesty of the human nature.

  2. I don't get why people discriminate against gays. A good example of why discrimination is wrong:

    Posted By Luke

  3. Own society creats the reality we live in.
    our nation has a strong religous center. (of different religions) most fundementalist religous groups she homosexuality as "a crime against god"
    however i feel it is not religions place to deside weather or not homosexuality is morarly right or wrong. the gov. looks at marriage as a contract, and i think we shouldlook at this in the same sense; not 2 males/ 2 females but 2 people that want to share their lives together and not be ashamed.
