Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sommy's Connections 4 & 5

#4:There are many books written about WWII and the Holocaust including The Diary of a Young Girl and Tamar. Tamar written (by Mal Peet) is a peculiar book mainly about a man involved with the resistance fighters during WWII. As to not spoil what the book is about, I'll try to keep the information as discreet as possible in case you plan on reading it in the future. Coincidentally, this man fought in the Nazi-occupied Holland which is where Anne lived. He goes through much love, tragedy, and jealousy just as Anne's family experienced much of those qualities while cramped into the "Secret Annexe." The Frank family had gone through so much of this. For example, at the begining of the book she would talk about her love/social life with fellow classmates and friends. Of course, in the diary, there is the major tragedy of the Holocaust when many minority groups were attempted to be exterminated.

#5:"Must I keep thinking about those other people, whatever I am doing? And if I want to laugh aboutsomething, should I top myself quickly and feel ashamed that I am cheerful? Ought I then to cry the whole day long? No, that I can't do. Besides, in time this gloom will wear off." --pg. 55

In this passage, Anne is reflecting on all the people being taken to concentration camps and death camps. She is confused on ow she is supposed to feel while hiding from the Nazis. She doesn't know whether or not to have gllom and depression settle over or try to not really think about and focus on caring for herself. Sometimes, I feel the same way. For example, when I must attend a funeral, I may run into a friend and don't know whether to talk about the unfortunate death or just try to get it out of my mind and just have a normal conversation. And my mom just tells me that I am allowed to giggle or smile just not uncontrollably as to not be disrespectful. And just as Anne had even more misery to follow, so did I. Since that funeral, unfortunately, I've attended two other funeral gatherings. The loss of a loved one is always the hardest thing in life.

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