Sunday, April 5, 2009

Message from Mrs. Johnson

Y'all have made some great connections. At this point you should be over three quarters of the way through the diary. I'm copying and pasting the assignment again so you don't have to scroll through the entire blog for the reminder.

  • make a series of 7 connections with the author, text, situation, history, experience and/or the world. Write a minimum of one paragraph and please be thoughtful and respectful in your connections. (Most of you need 4 more.)
  • respond to at least 7 of your peer's paragraph connections. (By the end of the book.)
  • find and define at least 5 interesting words and provide the passage where you found the word. (No repeaters...first come, first served!) This can be done on paper or the blog.
  • record a favorite passage in the book and explain why it appeals to you.

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