Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jessica 5

Anne writes that viewing nature makes her feel calm and hopeful. She also writes that the joys of nature can be enjoyed by people both rich and poor. I agree with both of these statements. When I look up at the huge expanse of the night sky and see the white, bright moon and the constellations of stars, I feel more relaxed, just like Anne. Nature is often times beautiful, and anyone, young and old, rich and poor, can witness its grandness simply by stepping outside or, in Anne's case, looking through a window. I can't exactly express why nature has such an effect on people. Perhaps it is the beauty of it? Maybe it is its hugeness? Like I said, I'm not sure why nature nature has this sort of effect, but what I am certain about is that it brings out feelings of calmness, awe, and more, in people.


  1. I totaly agree sometimes just looking up at the night stars is so relaxing.

  2. I agree as well. Looking out at nature really does make you more relaxed! I know that when i take nature hikes when i go to a park, the beauty just makes me stare in awe, bringing a sense of peace to me.
