Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lucas 3 & 4

I’m sure all of us have experienced that true jerk that does everything you don’t want him/her to do. Mr. Dussel is that person in The Diary of a Young Girl. He hogs the bathroom, speaks rudely, and won’t let Anne use his table for a couple hours a week. The latter being a truly pointless argument that lasted a couple of days. Living with a character such as Mr. Dussel would quickly get on my nerves. Just goes to show you that there’s one in every crowd.

“When I get up in the morning, another very disagreeable moment, I leap out of bed, think to myself, ‘You’ll be slipping back under the covers soon,’ walk to the window, take down the blackout screen, sniff at the crack until I feel a bit of fresh air, and I’m awake. I strip the bed as fast as I can so I won’t be tempted to get back in. Do you now what Mother calls this sort of thing? The art of living. Isn’t that a funny expression?”
This passage, one of my favorites, almost exactly describes what I do in the morning in order to keep away from those tempting, warm covers. Although I don’t have to strip my bed or take down a blackout screen, I do say to myself that I will be back in bed soon or something of that sort. This passage shows how although being cooped up in a small hiding place, these little rituals left over from normal life, such as the one mentioned before, are still present.

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