Sunday, April 5, 2009

Reid's Connection #4: Diary & MAUS

(Reid, I'm taking the liberty to edit this a bit for accuracy.)
In the book Maus, people are portrayed as animals. [Jews are persecuted by] the Germans. The [Jews] are [portrayed] as mice and the cats are German[s]. [This dynamic] plays a common role in our cartoons today of the cats chacing the mice. [Vladek] married a woman named Anja who was smart and he truly loved. Just like Anne Frank, Anja retained a diary during the Holocaust [Though destroyed, this account is rewritten] and is kept in a bookshelf in 1970. Anja is smart and keeps her diary, but after the Holocaust she commits suicide from reasons unknown until we get farther in the book. Anja was a lot like Anne Frank in ways such as keeping a diary, being smart women, and both died from he Holocaust just in different ways. I wish i knew more about the book to make a FULL connection!!


  1. I think a lot of people kept a diary during WW2; it was somewhere to vent the harsh feelings toward others during that time of racial tension. It's a shame most of the accounts of this time were destroyed by the German's in an attempt to not only destroy the Jewish faith but other social, racial, and religious groups as well.

  2. I agree with Monica. I think that a lot of people kept diaries because it was basically every man for himself over the age of 15. The Franks and Spieglemans (?) were lucky to be kept hidden for so long. I also think it was wrong for Vladek to burn Anja's diaries, because they were very important and sacred to her.
