Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Carly 5

Fame After Death In DOAYG Anne talks about how she wants to become a published writer. When she was alone and dieing in her concentration camps we can only assume she must have wondered what would be left of her short life when she was gone. We now know she’s a famed writer, but then Anne had no idea how big of an idol she would become. When I Googled, (that is a verb, its actually in the dictionary: to Google) people who became famous after death, I was surprised to see that Anne made a lot of “famed” lists. She along with people like Van Goethe, Emily Dickinson, and Bach had issues. Some of these people thought their life was worthless and were depressed because they thought they were failures/ had a harsh life. Anne wasn’t depressed, that we know of, but she had a hard life, and that is, what we now know, makes the tragic stories that tortures peoples souls and helps them create masterpieces, just as Anne did.


  1. This is very true Carly! I thought it was ironic on how she was saying," Oh I want to be a famous writer someday.," And yet her diary is basically the 2nd most world wide book.

  2. Uhm . . . Krazykid 4342 is me..
    -Reid M-
