Monday, March 30, 2009

What do you see?

Submitted by Shaunish.


  1. a woman walking or a creepy face!

  2. i See someone with a shakespereish poofy color walking toward the bridge. i also saw a women standing with her hat and her arms behind her back... Over all i see a weird face.
    -Reid Mikul

  3. It looks like William Shakespeare at first glance. Upon closer examination it looks like a bundled man heading towards town. (Mrs. Johnson) It's interesting to study art that offers multiple perspectives.

  4. At first glance, what did you see? This demends upon two things:
    1)The angle at which you are viewing the picture. The farther away you are from looking straight at the picture, the more you will start to see a Shakespeare guy. The closer you are to looking at the picture straight-on, you might just see an elderly looking woman walking on cobblestone.
    2)Distance also plays a very big part. You might be able to catch the entire picture from a distance, but some other details can't be seen until you look attentively up-close at the picture. When I did this, I saw something on the bark of the tree. Surely not a mistake in the tree's pattern. What could it be?
    -Observations and Analysis by Alex Pollack

  5. I believe the mysterious object on the tree is a long reptile climbing down the tree.
    If you look carefully, the objects on the left side of the face are strangely curved. Also, what is that object that the woman appears to be stepping on?

  6. Very interesting Shaunish, but I think that object she is stepping on is in fact a puddle. It also symbolizes the "Shakespeare" man's mouth. Great picture by the way! I sent Mrs. Johnson one photo I submitted. It's just a question about the photo to see what you know.
