Monday, March 30, 2009

Carly's Connection #2: Money

In Diary of a Young Girl, Anne talks of the raging battles that go on in her house over money and possessions. The van Daans almost always seem to be the center of these arguments. For instance on pg. 136 “Mr. And Mrs. van Dann have more raging battles. The reason is simple: they’re broke.” However Anne’s family and herself are not secluded from these wars. Money has always been an issue no matter what century you live in. In the 1930- 1940 there was the Great Depression, WWI in 1914- 1919, WWII in 1939 to 1945, and today as we go through a recession.


  1. This observation is so very true, and is applicable to each and every one of us right now because of the economy's depression that we are all taking the heat for. This short paragraph just allowed most all Americans to find a way to somehow relate their lives to the life of Anne Frank. Another thing we all need to be aware of, though, is that Anne went through things we will never have to go through in out entire lives just because of our residency. Remember to deal with your challenges, but never take anything for granted.

  2. Someone once said, "Money is the root of all evil." It is very sad, however, I have not seen anything in my lifetime, that contradicts that statement. It just appears that in times when money is more difficult to come by, bad behavior is more profound.
