Monday, March 23, 2009

Monica's Connection #1

In The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, Anne seems to have a strong bond with her cat, Moorjte. This relates to many families today, in that pets now days are treated more as an equal as opposed to an actual animal. Pampered pooches and flattered felines are being well taken care of, and I know I can relate to the angst Anne feels in leaving Moortje behind while the rest her family is put into hiding. The first time my dog, Jack, was left at a kennel while we went on vacation was both a frightening and melancholy experience for my entire family. The mere thought of leaving a member of your family behind can be terrifying, and the moment our car pulled out of lot, we agreed we would never board him again. I can’t imagine how Anne would have felt, not knowing for such a long period of time how her cat was, or what he was doing.


  1. There is a huge bond between animals and people. We have been taking care of my sister's dog, a chocolate lab, for the past couple of months. When I come home from school she greets me with boundless energy and affection. She dances around the kitchen with joy. Her enthusiasm helps remind me to greet my husband with joy when he comes home. (No, I don't dance around the kitchen but a big cheer: "Daddy's home!" helps set the stage for a warm welcome. I definitely want my son to know that his Daddy is adored. My neighbor recently lost his Dad due to cancer. He owns two dogs. He commented that they somehow knew he was sad and stuck especially close to him all week. Pets can teach us a lot.

  2. I agree with you on the idea that people treat animals as people. Every once in awile I'll open up a magazine and see a celeberty that gave her dog a 10,000 dollar collar. crazy. (personally I think those people are lonely and haven't the slightest idea what to do with their money)

  3. After being with your pets for so long, you grow attached to them, and its hard not to treat them like a member of your family.
    It's nice to have a pet around when you are upset or just feel like being with a cuddly friend! =)

  4. Yes, animals are quite pampered these days! We have all sorts of things for them: cute little houses, chew toys, pretty clothes, pretty collars, nice food, yummy treats, carriers, kennels, litter boxes, accessories, decorated bowls, feeders, comfy beds... I could go on and on. At high quality, these items could run up to be quite expensive! (See Carly's comment) Not only in magazines, in some books this idea is expressed as well. For example, in The Clique by Lisi Harrison, Bean, Massie's pug, is pampered by cashmere blankets! WOW, right?

  5. I agree that lately people are more emotionally attached to animals and pets then they have ever been. And as Carly said, celebrities juts spend enormous amounts of money on them. Children probably think of pets as something to care for and love. Sometimes, people will talk to them like people and express their emotions. (Sommy)
