Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sommy's 2nd Connection

In The Wave by Todd Strasser, students are studying about the Holocaust. The teacher feels as though his class would be more exciting if they participated in an interactive activity. He decides he is going to create a "Nazi Party Replica." Coincidently, in The Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank, Anne has the rise of Adolf Hitler occuring around her. For example, people who didnt join the Wave were criticized and discrminated against and similarly, Anne is discriminated against when she must follow restrictions that other people such as Christians didn't have to. Todd Strasser created a novella about this event while Anne actually grew through her adolescence during that time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Taylor's #1 Response
    Reading The Wave you also realize the impact of doing something before thinking about it. When the teacher gets this idea about simulating the Nazi Party, he does not fully think throught the consquences/actions of his plan. Hitler on the other, had his plan laid out fully. From the time he got out of jail and started putting the message into German citizens mind that Jews are bad, to starting the air raids on London.

  3. In The Wave, the teacher descibes the harsh life during Hitler's rage. There's no doubt that Todd Strasser had based the book upon this time, but why did the novella have a setting in 1960's? This was just about 20 years after WWII. I would think that the children of this generation had been told stories of their parents fighting in WW2. Why would the kids so easily join The Wave if it was clearly too similar to their parents' terrifying stories of WW2?

  4. This is a good connection because it shows how Nazism spreads so easily and is eerily similar to the Third Reich twenty years prior

  5. Another facet of this connection could be that both stories started out almost harmless and turned into huge uproars. For instance the techer wanted to bring obedience and understanding to his classroom while Hitler (at the beginnig) wanted to help Germany by rebuilding their decimated ecomony,

  6. i think that in reading the wave you realize how easy it was for people just to look away wheather it was prosecuting jews or makin gfun of people in high school

  7. Each and everyone of us knows that hind-sight is 20/20. So, why could something like this even happen. We have all learned about the Holocaust and the detrimental effects of what Adolf Hitler did to "brainwash" the Germans into thinking they were the superior race. After all of this, why aren't people realizing what is going on and taking action for what is really right? In the book, The Wave, it clearly illustrates that if we do not do something to prevent it, a horrific moment such as this one might end up occuring again if we are not careful.
