Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Over the course of the next six weeks you'll be reading the insightful diary of a young Jewish teenager under persecution during the rise of Nazi Germany. Anne Frank's journal is raw, genuine, thought-provoking and compelling. This collection of observations, musings, pinings and declarations gives us a unique snapshot of human life in captivity.

Your task is to:
  • make a series of 7 connections with the author, text, situation, history, experience and/or the world. Write a minimum of one paragraph and please be thoughtful and respectful in your connections.
  • respond to at least 7 of your peer's paragraph connections.
  • find and define at least 5 interesting words and provide the passage where you found the word. (No repeaters...first come, first served!)
  • record a favorite passage in the book and explain why it appeals to you.

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