Friday, March 20, 2009

John's Connection #1

During the height of Hitler's power, Hitler was striving to conquer theworld. Although he had only conquered most of Europe, he was on track tohaving the next great empire of the world. I connect Hitler's Third Reich tothe Roman Empire, which was the dynasty of its time. Both were feared andwhen they were at their peaks, had vast expanses of territory, with theRoman Empire's reaching from Asia to Eastern Europe and the Third Reich hadnearly all of Europe. However, both were toppled by opposing nations. Also,in both empires, the people living in them began to grow unhappy. Anotherfactor was both empires eventually became too large to control, like theGermans attempting to attack the massive country of Russia. This shows thatno empire, however mighty, can last forever.


  1. It is very true that even large empires can eventually fall, as shown from the fall of huge empires from the past. The Ottoman Empire was another big empire that enventually fell, in adition to the ones you listed in your connection.

  2. Hmmmm... I see your point, John, and, in addition to what you said: if my memory serves me right I believe Jews and Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire as well, so I definitely see your point...

  3. i rhink that your right another example of this is the ottoman empire
