Monday, March 30, 2009

Derrick's 3 Connections

Connection one
In the first few days Anne is in hiding she almost enjoys it. She even said it felt like like a big game of hide and seek, hiding from the Nazis. After the first days she relizes how horrible it is and how everybody is fighting with eachother. this is like in the book Farenheit 451 Montag thinks his life is fine. He then meets Clarice and she point out how bad the world actualy is. Clarice is like going into hiding because she shows montag how bad his world actualy is.

Connection 2
Anne and her family dont get along very well. This is probably because she spend all day evreydy with them. Anne cannot leave the house or do anthing. If you think about it her feelings toward her family are normal. If you were stuck with anybody in one small house and were not able to leave you probably wouldnt be to happy.

Connection 3
Last summer i had to read a book called The Boy who Dared. it was about a boy who was the same age as Anne. He and his friends were also trying to fight the German army and Hitler. although the boy was Geraman he still lost hsi life, just as Anne does because of Hitler. This shows how it wasnt just the Jewish people that died, but the German peopl ewho did not belize in Hitlers practices.


  1. *This is directed towards Derrick's 1st comment. I agree with Derrick's connection between Farenheit 451 and the situation Anne Frank is in. Although, I believe that one of the major and more important differences that Anne really struggles with is that Anne has nobody to talk to and confide in. Montag is given this depressing revalation BY somebody, while, Anne realizes it all on her own. While Montag longs to leave the world of others and enter one of his own, Anne is trapped in her own sad world and has no way of escaping it. It would seem as Anne's situation is worse becuase she really has no escape or people to talk to while helping her deal with her crisis, while Montag did... (Faber)

  2. Ugh... Morgan said a good deal of what I wanted to say... Anyway, I'm not completely drained of what I want to say, I kind of disagree with what you say on Connection 2. I, myself, had to live with all of my family (and occasionally, many guests) in an apartment in Switzerland, and I never felt the same degree of anemosity that Anne felt towards her roomies. Of course, that being said, everybody responds to that sort of thing, so who am I to judge?

  3. Well. Connection #3. First thing, work on your grammar haha. I think we all know that there were other groups other than Jews being assassinated during the war. Just look at all the German soldiers that were killed and there were other groups like the homosexuals.

    Connection #2 (Once again, grammar lol). I'd somewhat have to agree with Matt on his statement to your second connection. Being with the same people all the time isn't that terrible. Honestly, if I was stuck in Anne's position, I wouldn't last over a month. My family is really bratty and annoying. But would you rather be with people you know and trust or just random people off the street?
