Monday, March 30, 2009

Shaunish's Connection #3: Perception

Perception is amazingly important. It has the power to change the way people view and understand the world and consequently drastically affects their actions. This image depicts a bundled-up person hurrying from the forest. But on second glance, the impassive face of a man leaps out. In Diary of a Young Girl, Anne believes that the van Daans are complete jerks. She describes them as pushy and full of hot air. But suddenly, she has the revelation that maybe the constant bickering is not completely the fault of the van Daans. She realizes that maybe if her family were better at handling delicate situations and were able to give a smile to all that needed it, then maybe, just maybe, the atmosphere at the Annex would be much more relaxed. Anne has only been looking at the issues from her family's point of view. Anne learns that it is essential to look at things from the other guy's perspective, too. This is important for realizing the innate goodness of people so one can find the strength to forgive.

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