Monday, March 30, 2009

Matt's Connection #3: Persecution of Christians

One way that I can relate the Diary of a Young Girl to the current world is that, currently, Palestinian Christians are being executed everyday in Palestine. I can relate this in a few ways.

For staters, any Palestine Christian walking the streets get killed on the spot. In addition, Christianity, like Judaism, is one of the world's largest religions. Now, in contrasting view, Jewish people have been persecuted for many years, whereas persecution of Christians is a relatively new concept. Adding on, in Palestine if you are Muslim and one of your family members converts to Christianity, chances are you would kill your now-Christian family member without batting an eye. In conclusion, German persecution of Jews and Palestinian persecution of Christians are similar in many ways but the Palestinian persecution is more sadistic in the family realm.


  1. Christians have been persecuted for over two-thousand years. Nero liked to feed Christians to the lions. (Though they didn't offer much sport as many of them humbly submitted to this death and didn't fight back.)

  2. Good Connection!
    In America today it seems as though we have catered to every religous group exept Christianity. The goverement has tryed to cleanse Christianity from its system so others will feel more equal.
