Monday, March 30, 2009

Matt's Connection #2: Siblings

One way I can identify with the book is the relationship between the two Frank sisters. Relating to Margot, I, too, also try to educate my siblings to the best of my ability, similar to the duty she has to fulfill by teaching in the Annex. With relations to Anne, I also get infuriated at my siblings for one reason or another. For instance, when I had close to no advanced classes and my little brother was highly exalted for his intelligence, I was often infuriated at him thinking that he was “smarter than me”. This is similar to when Anne was jealous of Margot for her outstanding grades. Another instance is the infuriation that siblings cause each other by their behavior. In one of Anne’s first entries in the Annex, she describes Margot as a “goody-goody”, which, for some reason, infuriates her. Like Anne, I am infuriated by my little siblings’ behavior, the only difference being that I am angered by my siblings misbehaviors as opposed to their “goody-goody”-ness. In conclusion, though I dislike Anne and Margot, I can relate to the way they treat their siblings.

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