Monday, March 30, 2009

Shirley's Connection #1

“(Page 1) I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.”

Even though Anne has friends, she feels that she is not able to entirely open up to them. One can easily have many friends, but to find one person you are totally able to confide in is extremely difficult. Anne’s one “friend” that she could completely confide in was Kitty, her diary. Kitty was her one great source of comfort, the one thing she could confide everything too. Everyone must have at least one person or thing they could trust everything to; something that they could talk to about everything. For Anne, it was Kitty. A diary is an amiable candidate for it will never judge you, and it will never leave you wondering about what it will think. Sometimes, when I have a situation I have to tell someone, I write a diary entry. Although I don’t keep a diary regularly, there are times where I have to write my feelings down or I feel like I’m about to burst. If Anne did not have Kitty, she might have not been able to be as strong.


  1. This is very true, but only having a diary kept Anne from being as strong as she might have been. Anne desperately wanted her mother to be this source, but realized that they were growing farther and farther apart during the time in the Annex. In fact, it came to such a point that Anne would only call her mother "Moms", becuase she did not deserve to be called the name, mom. Anne then wanted to have her father take this position, but he would refuse listening to her talk bad about her mother. I agree with Shirley, everyone needs someone to tell everything to, and espcially in this case, Anne.

  2. Many people do not like the feeling of keeping something all to themselves. Not telling someone can be suffocating! However, they don't like telling people for fear of being mocked or ridiculed. This is where a journal comes into play. People can vent or pour out their hearts onto these blank, welcoming pages. The use of journals/diaries allow people to get things off their chest without fear of being judged. The pages look so inviting especially to those with a lot going on in their lives.

  3. Like Caroline said, people can use diaries or journals to vent how they feel, if there is no one they can turn to at a particular time. Many diaries, whether fictional or realistic have been published, and many authors write their novel in a diary form to make it sound more heartfelt and sincere. Other ways to vent one's feelings on paper are demonstrated in anonymous columns in the newspaper or magazines, anonymous poems, or internet blogs like this one.
