Friday, March 6, 2009

Poems in prison

Not sure if this hotlink will work for you, but try it. If not, try googling "A Prisoner's Song" by Jeanne Marie Guyon.
Pick a poem from the page. Try explicating. What do you think it means? How does it compare to Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem, "Sympathy?" How does it compare to Anne Frank's experience in hiding?'s+Song.%22+Jeanne+Marie+Guyon&source=bl&ots=zqhvPKttgs&sig=obbD30qiRs1cfYc2LBZ9K7SjH58&hl=en&ei=lT2xSYPKNKKBtweE2MXCBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=3&ct=result

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