Monday, March 30, 2009

Caroline's Connection #3: China

In China, during the Cultral Revolution, many people were killed for practicing the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, and Old Habits. Mao Zedong called for the Four Olds to be swept away. As a result, examples of Chinese architecture were ransacked, Chinese literature and classics were burned, Chinese paintings were torn apart, antiquities were shattered. Many families' long kept genealogy books were burned to ashes.

During that time, many ancient Chinese cultural things were destroyed forever. Innocent people were punished just for owning these things. Intellectuals were targeted as personifications of the Four Olds, and sometimes they were mocked, harassed, imprisoned, tortured, or killed. These people had done nothing wrong, yet THEY got embarassed because Mao had to open his big mouth and go for changing verything. Similarly, in Germany, people were persecuted solely because of their religion. This all happened because a person rose out of the blue and pushed all the blame on them. History just keeps replaying itself in different forms. If people took the time to examine things, its all the same thing in different places with different people and different goals, but all based off of similar ideas.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing connection that is so true about how history is constantly repeating itself. Also, the economy always repeats a cycle like this.
    *Reid Mikul*
