Thursday, March 26, 2009

Carly's Connection

(Pg. 244) God has not forsaken me and he never will.

(Pg. 320- 321) He isn’t religious, scoffs at Jesus Christ and takes the lords name in vain, and though I’m not Orthodox either, it hurts me to see him so lonely.

(Pg. 320) People who are religious should be glad, since not everyone is blessed with the ability to believe in a higher power. You don’t even have to live in fear of eternal punishment; the concepts of purgatory, heaven and hell are difficult for people to except, yet religion, any religion keeps a person on the right track.

Anne is an inquisitive religious teenager. She, just as some of us are, is forever blessed with her belief system. I think that her faith gave her the strength. Strength to believe that God had not forsaken her, but as using her in his master plan. (Her book being published and distributed throughout the world to shed light on the Holocaust) Her faith gave her strength to believe that she would get out of hiding and that her people group would recover and be accepted back into society. But last, her faith may have helped her believe that there was a place set-aside for her in a higher order.


  1. Taylor's Response #3
    During WWII many people looked toward their faith for guidance. Now many people are looking to their faith to help them get through these turbulent economic times. Beleiving in a higher power has helped many people get through unimaginable times throughout the ages

  2. I think that during WWII, especially with the fact that more people then were openly religious, their beliefs and morals helped them throughout the horrific times in their life regarding the war and holocaust.

  3. I would have to agree that religion gives many people strength. As a matter of fact, even now, people are open and strongly believe in their faith. Without belief in her religion, Anne would have probably had a much harder time to get through the Holocaust. (Sommy)
